User Modules

User modules are designed to solve tasks of information support during IAS AAM subject AE operation. User modules are established in IAS AAM subjects in accordance with their fields of activities and are distinguished by their intended use and functions performed.

UM Name UM Profile UM Intended Use
Supervision authorized bodies information support of authorized bodies works in appropriate field of activities
Developer AE developers information support of AE operation author’s supervision
Manufacturer AE manufacturers information support of AE operation post-sale support
Operator AE operators information support of AE operators works during AE operation as well as automation of production and processes at aviation enterprises
M&R AE maintenance organizations or aircraft repair providers information support during AE maintenance and repair works
Supplier (Leasing) aviation leasing companies information support of AE leasing in terms of AE operation maintenance support
Aviation inventory supplier AE and/or AI suppliers information support of AE operation maintenance support

Compared to similar domestic and foreign development results, IAS AAM user modules have the following advantages:

  • Integration
    All user modules (UM) are cross-integrated and automatically included into a common information space of IAS AAM thus ensuring the following:
    • simplification of aircraft component authenticity estimation procedure;
    • automation of aircraft specimen certification, aircraft operation;
    • update of operation documents specifying organization, regulatory, technical and other AE operation and M&R rules including general, typical, production and engineering documents and log books and maintenance records.
  • Monitoring information on aircraft components
    Makes it possible to conclude about component authenticity.
  • Incoming and logic built-in test equipment
    Ensures actuality of the processed data.
  • Current and prospective planning of operating activities
    Planning is performed based on and with due regard to variety and variability of current information both directly and indirectly related to aircraft fleet technical maintenance.
  • Modularity
    a possibility to purchase and implement only the software complexes you need today. In case the needs of your organization change you will be able to purchase new software complexes.
  • Quick establishment
    Usually IAS AAM user module implementation period with local specialist training does not exceed five days.
  • Cost
    IAS AAM user module cost is several times lower than the one of similar domestic and foreign products.